Pick one to reserve your spot and get lucky! You can choose to pay the full registration or the non-refundable deposit. Heads up! Full registration includes the $100 non-refundable deposit.


Men's for the main event is SOLD OUT. Join the waitlist or guarantee a Dublin Dirty spot now and register for The Encore.


COED for the main event is SOLD OUT. Join the waitlist or guarantee a Dublin Dirty spot now and register for The Encore.

  • Keep Lady Luck in your bat bag. The Weekend Mulligan can be used once per game all tournament weekend long. Good on offense and defense. Find all the details at

    *Purchase when you register OR separately after your team is registered. Either way makes you strategically lucky.

By checking this box, I acknowledge that my team will kick off the tournament right where we've signed up, and our starting fields won't be changed after registration. I also understand the $100 deposit is non-refundable.


RegFox Event Registration Software